Do You Believe...?
I certainly do...after watching this.
"Moving Forward to Meet the Demands of a Changing World"
At a recent meeting of elementary school principals, one key piece of research was brought out:
How research using technology has evolved...and the implications for research and communication today and tomorrow.
Labels: Managing technology
If the video on last Friday's post gave you a chuckle, today's is designed to get you thinking. Created by a high school technology coordinator, it asks the question, "What will you do today?" Enjoy!
One of the hallmarks of a "Professional Learning Community" is the establishment of a set of "system norms," basically agreements about how the group will operate.
If time were no obstacle, when we gave a test, we would perform “item analysis” to see what concepts were strong and weak within the class. With the emphasis on disaggregating data (by race and lunch status), we would also look at our subgroups. Time, however, is an obstacle. We grade individual student papers, record the overall grade in the gradebook, and move on. There is simply not time for anything else. But...what if all of this was done automatically for you?
At this point, I have awarded credit from all of the sign-in sheets from August 4-6 that involved teachers from multiple schools. (Anything happening at just one school for that one faculty is the responsibility of that school.) Several of our new teachers were not showing up at all in PDWeb and still are not. Those names should pull automatically from STIOffice. I will have to see if there is something incorrect in individual school setups or if there is a problem elsewhere.
Labels: Professional development
One of the blogs I like is The Tech Savvy Educator written by Ben Rimes If you are teaching about copyright laws, you will enjoy this hilarious video, "A Fair(y) Use Tale" created by Eric Faden. Using clips from every Disney movie imaginable, the video covers the elements students needs to know.
Labels: Copyright laws
Labels: Course of Study, Technology.
We turn around and its Christmas
Labels: Think Central
Labels: art
Labels: Grants
Labels: Think Central
Labels: Attendance, STI
I have updated the PowerPoint on Think Central that we viewed during Tuesday morning's professional development. The link is still the same. Since you now all have real user names and passwords, there is no need to go to the "zz" evaluation site. Therefore, I took out the references to that.
Labels: Think Central
Labels:, Pacing Guide, StoryTown
John and I have loaded all teachers and students into Think Central. If you have not already viewed the PowerPoint from Tuesday morning's presentation, doing that will make everything else more understandable.
Labels: Think Central
Labels: StoryTown
It is often said that people who fail to plan plan to fail. In her final post on “Starting the Year Off Right,” Vicki Davis talks about planning.
Labels: Vicki Davis
Labels: Vicki Davis
No school day is more important than the first. Vicki Davis is a highly-respected high school computer teacher. Her tips are right on the money, and while most of it we have heard somewhere before, it never hurts to be reminded. Here is the first in a three-part series aimed at getting the school year started on the right foot.
Labels: Vicki Davis
For those who have downloaded and viewed Tuesday's PowerPoint on Think Central, you probably noticed some slides that we did not cover. They were the slides following "Next Steps."
Labels: GoogleDocs
Labels: Moving Forward
All of the material Dr. Dennis King shared with us during Monday’s inservice is available for download:
Afternoon Session With Lead Teachers
I have awarded credit from this morning’s inservice from the sign-in sheets. To see that you have been awarded credit, log in to PDWeb and click on “My History.” You should see your credit as having been awarded.
If your name did not print our on the sign-in sheet, there is no way I can award credit for you. If your name was not on the sign-in sheet, it means you are not in PDWeb. PDWeb pulls from STIOffice. Certain fields must be correct in STIOffice in order for your data to copy into PDWeb.
An e-mail went to all school secretaries outlining what had to be present in STIOffice. A place to start would be to consult the principal or secretary at your school to see if the instructions in that e-mail had been followed. The process of pulling employees from STIOffice over into PDWeb happens automatically over the weekend, so if changes are made this week, they will show up on Monday morning.
Once you are in PDWeb, you can be awarded credit. I will need to have a memo from your principal stating that you attended the training and that at the time of the training you were not in PDWeb.
Labels: Professional development
The Alabama Education Association will be providing lunch for all new employees of the Talladega City School System on Wednesday, August 6, at 11:00. The lunch will be be held in the cafeteria at Talladega High School. All new employees are encouraged to attend.
Labels: Think Central