If You Did Not Sign Up for January 2 Workshops...
If for whatever reason you did not sign up for a morning and an afternoon workshop on PDWeb, these instructions tell you what to do at this point.
Several of the workshops are full:
- Both sessions of Janet Taylor's "Google Gadgets" are full.
- Both sessions of Pattie Thomas' "PowerPoint... a Teacher's Best Tool" are full.
- The afternoon session of "Practical Classroom Solutions" presented by Thad Miller and Bradley Ward is full.
Several sessions can take additional people:
- The morning session of "Practical Classroom Solutions"
- Either session of "Let's Play Jeopardy" presented by Karen Clark
- There is unlimited seated for both "Get Organized! Managing Digital Data With Ease" and "Your Own Blog in 10 Minutes or Less." Both are designed by larger audiences.
If you have not signed up, select from the workshops which are open show up. Sign at the bottom of the sign-in. By the following day, you will have been entered into PDWeb for those workshops.