"Moving Forward to Meet the Demands of a Changing World"
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
ARMT Math Grids
When students are used to the form in which a standardized test is given, they will naturally perform better. Filling in the grids on the math portion of the ARMT certainly proves to be no exception. Many of you already have sample gids that you can use. If not, several years ago, I scanned and saved samples. Those are posted here. There is one sheet each for 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. Feel free to download to your computer, print, and Xerox the sheet for your grade level.
Many questions have been raised about whether answers must be left justified or right justified. The answer we have gotten is that it does not matter. As long as the student puts all the numbers together and the numbers they write match the bubbles they complete underneath, it will be scored accurately.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Vision Meeting at Graham
Thanks to those who came out to Graham last night to in series of meetings aimed at clarifying a vision for this school system. The hopes and dreams that you talked about are achievable, and to hear you articulate them was very moving.
The next public meeting is Monday night at Houston, beginning at 6:00PM. If you had a conflict with the event when it was help at your own school, I hope you will take the opportunity to come that night and give your input.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Where in the world is Mrs. Reynolds?
Nominations for Couse of Study Committee
Work on the Alabama State Course of Study for Mathematics, Physical Education, and Health will begin in March of this year. The first step in the process is for superintendents to make recommendations to Dr. Morton for epople to serve on the committee. Each Course of Study committee is composed of classroom teachers, administrators, higher education representatives, and a selct number of individuals from outside of education. A formula exists which guarantees equal representation from the state.
The purpose of this post is to let you know that if you would like to be considered for participation one of these committees, you need to make that known to your principal as soon as possible.
To give you an idea of what you would be "getting yourself into," the committee meets in Montgomery each month from March through December for anywhere from 2 to 3 days at a time. Each day runs from around 9:00-3:00. During the summer, there is a 4-day retreat. Not a great deal of "homework" is required between the monthly sessions, unless you are one of those "overachievers."
Requirements include a thorough knowledge of your subject, a vision for what your subject area could be like for student in Alabama, a passion to make it happen, and a high tolerance for ambiguity.
I was a member of the Course of Study committee for Arts Education. As much as I whined and complained about the time away from my school, the backlog of work that awaited me when I returned, and meetings that sometimes seemed like they were going, the truth of the matter is that I would not trade that experience for the world. I made friends who have now become constant contacts and learned about things I never knew existed from some of the sharpest minds in this state.
If this sounds like something of interest to you, please let your principal know as soon as possible.
Labels: Course of Study Committee
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Talladega High School
The homecoming activities are in full swing at Talladega High School. Everyone is welcome to come by and see the beautiful decorations provided by Ms. Debbie Peters, Ms. Miller and the cheerleaders.
The following is a list of the events for the week:
Monday :Flashback Day 1950s-1980s
Tuesday: Tacky Day
Wednesday: Duo Day
Thursday: Alumni Day - Sunday best clothes
: There will be an afternoon assembly
where the homecoming court will be
introduced and the QUEEN will be
: PARADE @ 5:30
(Starts @ Chamber of Commerce Parking Lot
Ends @ Mary Dumas Stadium)
Pep Rally @ Mary Dumas Stadium after the Parade
Bonfire @ 7:00 until 8:00 (If Permitted)
FRIDAY: Spirit Day - White and Red!!!
Homecoming court will be introduced and presented @ 6:30 Queen will be crowned
GAME Kicks off @ 7:00
HOMECOMING DANCE: Time: 9:30pm - 12:30am THS Gym
Tickets: $5.00 at school/ $6.00 at the door
Picture Booth: Bill Miller
DJ: Tae Porter
If you bring a date that does not attend THS, you must pre-sign them in, and they must bring an ID to the door!
A BIG THANK YOU to all of those who helped contribute to the homecoming festivities.
Friday, October 19, 2007
MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)
The following is an e-mail which Mrs. Ludwig received. The body of the e-mail concerns practical suggestions we can all take. The links provide very detailed information for those who wish to explore the subject in more depth.
Good afternoon,
This e-mail is in response to numerous calls received regarding the renewed concerns about MRSA. The CDC recommendations regarding MRSA have not changed. Last year, October 19, 2006, Dr. Morton sent a letter to all superintendents and lead nurses regarding MRSA along with enclosures from the CDC. We re-faxed that same memorandum this morning to your superintendents.
I would suggest that each of you reinforce the importance of hand washing and hygiene with both students, and parents. Schools should not only focus on hand washing before mealtime and after toileting, but should also encourage children to wash their hands after recess and sporting events.
Students, coaches and athletes should be encouraged to thoroughly cleanse after workouts and contact with other players; this is their primary defense. Athletic equipment, uniforms, and other athletic clothing can become a breeding ground for bacteria and should be cleaned on routine basis without compromising its integrity. Any open wound needs to be cleaned and covered with a bandage that attaches to the skin on all sides. Students should never share or borrow towels, razors, soap, or any other personal items.
The following links will give you direct access the CDC recommendations specific to MRSA. Hope this information helps and please feel free to call with questions or concerns.
Community-Associated Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA)
Community-Associated MRSA Information for the Public
Community-Associated MRSA Information for Clinicians
What is CDC doing about MRSA?
Sherry Marbury, RN, BSN, CCRC
State School Nurse Consultant
Alabama Department of Education
5201 Gordon Persons Building
P. O. Box 302101
Montgomery, AL 36130-2101
Phone: (334) 242-8199
Fax: (334) 353-8779
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Requirements for remediation of graduation exam objectives
As a follow-up to the meeting at THS yesterday, in its briefest form, here are the requirements for re-teaching documentation that must be kept at the high school level for AHSGE remediation:
Pre-Graduation Exam
- Teach non-mastered objectives.
- Keep a form showing names of students and dates objectives are taught.
Graduation Exam
- Re-teach non-mastered items
- Keep a list of names of students and objectives not mastered.
- List beside each student's name the date of re-teaching name of person and activity or materials for re-teaching. Include a sample of student work.
The form we introduced (one page per peiod) and procedure we oulined will satisfy the requirements for the Pre-Graduation Exam. That form together with one folder per class and the procedure we outlined will satisfy the requirements for the Graduation Exam.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Skills USA Fund Raiser
Please help support Skills USA members by purchasing hams, turkeys, bacon, etc. If you would like to find out more information on how you can help the club you may call the Talladega High School Career Tech Center @ 256-315-5688. Your support helps students attend local, state, and national competitions throughout the year. Your participation with these fund raising events is greatly appreciated.
Trisha Howell
Career Tech Director
Monday, October 15, 2007
Do you ever wonder what principals do after conducting walk-throughs? This short video may give you insight, not to mention a good laugh!
Labels: observation, Walk-throughs
Upcoming Events at C.L. Salter
October is Parent Visitation Month throughout the state of Alabama. During this time we have scheduled several events to take place during the month of October. On Thursday October 18th we will observe "Lights on After School". We will have Open House Starting at 5:00 and a PTO meeting at 5:45. During the week of October 22 - 26 we will observe Parent Visitation Week. We invite you to come by our school and eat lunch with your children. On Tuesday October 23 at 6:00 p.m. our superintendent, Dr. Joanne Horton will be in the cafeteria to discuss the future of our school system. Please plan on attending these events!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Community Meeting with Dr. Horton TONIGHT!
Ellis Junior High parents and others interested in the future of Talladega City Schools are invited to the first of many meetings with the new Superintendent, Dr. Joanne Horton. Tonight's meeting will be held in the Ellis cafeteria beginning at 6:00 p.m. Bring your ideas, concerns, hopes, and dreams to help us move the district forward.
The School System is working on District Accreditation and would appreciate input from YOU on the following questions:
1. What would you value as positive aspects of schools for the students of our community?
2. Quality education requires up-to-date physical facilities, qualified and motivated teachers,
adequate learning resources, equipment and supports. How can we assure that we attain a
quality education? "Suggestions and Improvement?"
3. What can you or your organization do to improve the school system? (Parent Involvement)
"What Can I Do?"
4. What are your dreams for the district?
Other meetings you may attend are as follows:
Oct 18 Thursday 6:00 p.m. R.L. Young
Oct 22 Monday 6:00 p.m. Henderson
Oct. 23 Tuesday 6:00 p.m. Salter
Oct 25 Thursday 6:00 p.m. Graham
Oct 29 Monday 6:00 p.m. Houston
Nov. 1 Thursday 6:00 p.m. THS
R. L. Young Hosts Honors Assembly for 1st 6 Weeks!
Pictured here are R. L. Young students, teachers and parents as they anxiously await to hear their name called out for making the Honor Roll at R. L. Young! The Honors Assembly takes place at the end of each grading period. This year, the students receive a certificate for a Wendy's Frosty if they have perfect attendance during a grading period. Way to go R. L. Youngers!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Expert Review of Core Reading Programs
A review of the core reading programs being considered for adoption in the State of Alabama can be downloaded by clicking here.
During the summer, a panel of experts evaluated each program submitted by publishers using an instrument called A Consumer's Guide to Analyzing a Core Reading Program in Grades K-3: A Critical Elements Analysis.
The report is lengthy, more than 100 pages. Once our Textbook Selection Committee has narrowed the field to the 3 or 4 program our school system really wants to examine, at that point many may wish to print the pages for tohse particular core programs.
Labels: Expert Reading Panel, Reading
Test Grading Tool
Quite a few companies have software packages that allow you to enter answers and the computer "crunches" the number. You get an item analysis and see on what concepts the group as a whole blossomed or bombed. You can compare subgroups to see group differences according to gender, race, or poverty. You can get such a software package for big bucks, or...
...you can download one for free. This link takes you to a folder with two items. One is a sample that has some names in it. You can get a feel for how you can take an multiple choice test, enter the correct answers, and enter the student answers on the "Enter Answers" tab. The "Results" tab gives the grade for each student shows which answers were correct and incorrect, and gives an item analysis as both a straight percentage and as a graph. Other tabs allow you to view results by race, gender, or lunch code. The other item is a blank spreadsheet on which you can enter student names and the other demographic information.
After saving the spreadsheet to your computer, you have the ability to use the tool with any multiple choice test you give. There is an "Instructions" tab that guides you through the whole thing. Some who are a little more comfortable with technology are likely to take one look at this and realize the gem they have. Others will see what it can do and then want to give it a try.
One caveat--this one is free for us, and us only. If you like it, feel free to use it, but please do not share it with people from other school systems.
Labels: Test grader
Thursday, October 04, 2007
THS Band Rated "Superior"
The THS Band received Superior ratings from the entire panel of judges at the Mid-South Marching Band Festival this past Saturday at Gadsden City High School. The band received superior trophies for the Dega Darlins Color Guard, percussion section, drum major, and for the entire band. The THS Band also won the "Bob Rush Memorial Award" for receiving straight superior ratings from the entire panel.
Additionally, the Dega Darlins Color Guard received first place honors in our class and tied for the highest score of the day (96), regardless of class, with Grissom High School.
Additionally, the Dega Darlins Color Guard received first place honors in our class and tied for the highest score of the day (96), regardless of class, with Grissom High School.
Labels: Band
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Writing opportunity for 5th graders
Hoar Construction is sponsoring a writing contest for 5th graders. Students must read a book and write a book report in 250 words or less. The deadline for submission is November 9, 2007. For complete information and official entry form, click here.
Labels: Hoar, writing contest