The focus of the Feb. 16 professional development day will be the "Student Response System." Each elementary school has a classroom set of "clickers." Students can respond to questions you ask with the devices.
This link will give you a quick overview. The article at
this link is a little more "weighty."
The schedule for the training is as follows:
8:30-11:30 Two teachers from each school will receive intense training. The goal will be that you will leave the training with the ability to begin using what you have learned the very next day. The teachers should already know who they are. If in doubt, ask your principal.
12:30-2:30 All elementary teachers will receive training on the system that will give you an overview of what this tool will do and a more abbreviated explanation of how to use it. (Those who attended the morning training would
not need to return for this training.
Activities for the remainder of the day will be at the discretion of the principal at each school.
Both sessions will be at R.L. Young. All teachers will already be signed up on PDWeb before the day of the event. All you need to do is show up, sign the sign-in sheet, and take the survey afterwards.
Each elementary school has a class set of 19 student clickers. The most likely scenario is that the response system will be on the school library's inventory and will be checked out to individual teachers. Whether additional systems will be purchased will depend largely on how much this initial set is used.